21 Days of Prayer
At Timber Creek Church we believe that prayer is the key to everything that we are, everything that we do, and everything we should be in life. The way we say it is, “Prayer is paramount.” Twice a year we set aside 21 days of focused prayer. It is an incredible time of gathering together, praying, and seeking the heart of God for what he wants to do in and through Timber Creek Church.
Prayer starts on January 6th at 6 am at all Timber Creek Church campuses and 6 pm at our Lufkin campus. We will meet Monday through Friday until January 24th. What a great way to kick off the new year. We can’t wait to see you at one of our locations! Click HERE to access our resources.
Lufkin: 6:00a & 6:00p
Nacogdoches: 6:00a
Groves: 6:00a
Mount Enterprise: 6:00a